Motorized Bugle

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While building an expanded Daily Bugle set, I have designed motorization options for motorizing the minifigure attached to the communications tower.  The designs below, created with Bricklink (free software from all rotate the attached minifigure around the communications tower, with unaltered Lego parts.  Please note, a White Lego Rubber Band (not shown due to limitation) is required to connect the grey pulley to the white tower to make it rotate.

Available Downloads digital design file for the Powered Up version. (Left photo above)

Requires a PU Battery Box Bluetooth Hub, and

Either a PU Medium Linear Motor or a WeDo 2.0 Medium Motor digital design file for the Power Functions version. (Centre photo above)

Requires a PF Medium (M) Motor , and PF Battery Box a 

Studio digital design file for the extra floor, based upon the set 76175 Attack on the Spider Lair, to which you can use either the PF or PU design for motorization. (Right photo above)

Requires either Powered Up or Power Functions motor and battery as above.


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Clipart MyLogo-Upside-Down

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